Getting Married at All Saints

Getting married is one of the most important decisions a person can make in their lifetime. It is the primary relationship for those who enter into it, and has significant effects on the families and communities from which each partner comes.

As a church we are delighted to pray for God's blessing on your marriage and to support you in your new life together. We pray that God be with you in your love for each other, that your partnership may be a lifelong source of friendship, trust, intimacy, stability and strength.


In order to be married in the Anglican Church at least one partner must be a baptized Christian (of any denomination), and the intention of the couple must be for a lifelong relationship of mutual faithfulness.

Anglican clergy are required to ensure that couples are adequately prepared for marriage. At All Saints this typically involves at least two visits with the priest in addition to the planning of the ceremony itself.

We do not allow any non-Anglican weddings to occur on our premises.

You are advised to book your wedding with the church as early as possible, so as to be sure that both clergy and building are available. In no case will a wedding be accepted with fewer than 60 days' notice.

A standard information form, available at the parish office, must be completed immediately upon booking your wedding date.

About the Ceremony

Asking God's blessing on a marriage is a joyful occasion but not a frivolous one. Some specifics are outlined below, but in general please be advised that the marrying priest is the final authority on the conduct of the service.

Anglican weddings use a standard service form. Couples are encouraged to select readings, hymns and other music, but may not write their own service or vows.

The use of cameras and video recording equipment is normally restricted during the ceremony. An official photographer and/or camera technician is welcome, but must be sensitive to the occasion and work under the direction of the priest.

There will be absolutely no confetti, rice or similar material scattered anywhere in the church or on the grounds.

Fee Schedule

Please contact the parish office for the fee schedule.